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Publication Details for Misc "Charging Multicast Communications Based on a Tree Metric"



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Authors: H Einsiedler, P Hurley, Burkhard Stiller, Torsten Braun
Group: Communication Systems
Type: Misc
Title: Charging Multicast Communications Based on a Tree Metric
Year: 1999
Month: May
Pub-Key: EHSB99
Abstract: Current charging mechanisms in the Internet are restricted mainly to volume and time of day. Links or network clouds can have weights which may be dynamic, e.g., based on the congestion level. The weight information must travel from the sender to the receiver. We provide a mechanism, which sends a message down the multicast tree for collecting the necessary information. This information can be used in the edges and the core of the network for charging. We also discuss how charging could be implemented by using these weights along links or network clouds from edge to edge.
Howpublished: GI Multicast Workshop
Resources: [BibTeX]



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