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Publication Details for Inproceedings "Tuning SoC platforms for multimedia processing: identifying limits and tradeoffs"



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Authors: Alexandre Maxiaguine, Yongxin Zhu, Samarjit Chakraborty, Weng-Fai Wong
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Inproceedings
Title: Tuning SoC platforms for multimedia processing: identifying limits and tradeoffs
Year: 2004
Pub-Key: MZCW04
Book Titel: CODES+ISSS 2004: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis
Pages: 128-133
Keywords: MPA ESD DSE
Publisher: ACM Press
Abstract: We present a analytical framework to identify the tradeoffs and performance impacts associated with different SoC platform configurations in the specific context of implementing multimedia applications. “Configurations” in this case might include sizes of different on-chip buffers and scheduling mechanisms (or associated parameters) implemented on the different processing elements of the platform. Identifying such tradeoffs is difficult because of the bursty nature of on-chip traffic arising out of multimedia processing and the high variability in their execution requirements, which result in a highly irregular design space. We show that this irregularity in the design space can be precisely captured using an abstraction called variability characterization curves.
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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