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Publication Details for Inproceedings "Real-Time Interfaces for Interface-Based Design of Real-Time Systems with Fixed Priority Scheduling"



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Authors: Ernesto Wandeler, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Inproceedings
Title: Real-Time Interfaces for Interface-Based Design of Real-Time Systems with Fixed Priority Scheduling
Year: 2005
Month: September
Pub-Key: WT05c
Book Titel: ACM Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT)
Pages: 80-89
Keywords: MPA
Publisher: ACM Press
Abstract: The central idea behind interface-based design is to describe components by a component interface. In contrast to a component description that describes what a component does, a component interface describes how a component can be used. A well designed component interface provides enough information to decide whether two or more components can work together properly in a system. In this work, we expand the idea of interface-based design to the area of real-time system design. Here, the term of ’working together properly’ refers to questions like: Does the composed system satisfy all requested real-time properties such as delay and throughput constraints? For this, we introduce Real-Time Interfaces, that connect the principles of Real-Time Calculus with Interface-based Design. In contrast to traditional real-time system design, in interface-based real-time system design the compliance to real-time constraints is checked at composition time. This leads to faster design processes and partly removes the need for the classical binary search approach to find an economically dimensioned system. Further, interface-based real-time system design also benefits from the properties of incremental design and independent implementability.
Location: New York, USA
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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