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Publication Details for Article "Real-Time Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes"



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Authors: Clemens Moser, Davide Brunelli, Lothar Thiele, Luca Benini
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Article
Title: Real-Time Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes
Year: 2007
Pub-Key: MBT07
Journal: Real-Time Systems Journal
Keywords: sn, esd
Abstract: Energy harvesting has recently emerged as a feasible option to increase the operating time of sensor networks. If each node of the network, however, is powered by a fluctuating energy source, common power management solutions have to be reconceived. This holds in particular if real-time responsiveness of a given application has to be guaranteed. Task scheduling at the single nodes should account for the properties of the energy source, capacity of the energy storage as well as deadlines of the single tasks. We show that conventional scheduling algorithms (like e.g. EDF) are not suitable for this scenario. Based on this motivation, we have constructed optimal scheduling algorithms that jointly handle constraints from both energy and time domain. Further we present an admittance test that decides for arbitrary task sets, whether they can be scheduled without deadline violations. To this end, we introduce the concept of energy variability characterization curves (EVCC) which nicely captures the dynamics of various energy sources. Simulation results show that our algorithms allow significant reductions of the battery size compared to Earliest Deadline First scheduling.
Remarks: Special Issue on Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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