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Publication Details for Talk "Fast Hypervolume-Based Multiobjective Search Using Monte Carlo Sampling"



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Authors: Dimo Brockhoff, Johannes Bader, Eckart Zitzler
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Talk
Title: Fast Hypervolume-Based Multiobjective Search Using Monte Carlo Sampling
Year: 2008
Month: September
Pub-Key: broc2008a
Keywords: EMO
Abstract: In the field of evolutionary multi-criterion optimization, the hypervolume indicator is the only single set quality measure that is known to be strictly monotonic with regard to Pareto dominance: whenever a Pareto set approximation entirely dominates another one, then also the indicator value of the former will be better. This property is of high interest and relevance for problems involving a large number of objective functions. However, the high computational effort required for hypervolume calculation has so far prevented to fully exploit the potential of this indicator; current hypervolume-based search algorithms are limited to problems with only a few objectives. This talk presents a fast search algorithm that uses Monte Carlo sampling to approximate the exact hypervolume values. Experimental results will be provided indicating that this method is highly effective for many-objective problems in comparison to existing multiobjective evolutionary algorithms.
Remarks: Corresponding paper by Johannes Bader and Eckart Zitzler
Resources: [BibTeX]



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