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Publication Details for Misc "Poster: Modular Performance Analysis of Cyclic Dataflow Graphs"



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Authors: Nikolay Stoimenov, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Misc
Title: Poster: Modular Performance Analysis of Cyclic Dataflow Graphs
Year: 2009
Month: October
Pub-Key: ST09dp
Keywords: MPA
Abstract: Schedulability analysis of adaptive real-time systems has been a well-known problem. It is relevant for many practical systems that have different operating modes. It is not a trivial to solve problem because schedulability needs to be shown not only in the individual operating modes, but also during the transitions between the modes. Many approaches have been proposed to address this problem but most of them are restricted to systems with fixed priority scheduling and periodic task activations. Recently, we have proposed an approach based on Real-time calculus that can perform schedulability analysis of systems with fixed and dynamic priorities such as EDF. It is also applicable to arbitrarily complex task activations. However, it is restricted to single processor systems. In this work, we propose an interfacebased design approach based on Real-time interfaces which extends our previous work and makes it applicable to open dynamic environments and distributed systems.
Howpublished: EMSOFT 09: Proceedings of the 9th ACM international conference on Embedded software, Grenoble, France
Resources: [BibTeX]



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