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Publication Details for Talk "ripfix: Rapid Prototyping and Debugging of IPFIX Applications in Ruby"



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Authors: Brian Trammell
Group: Communication Systems
Type: Talk
Title: ripfix: Rapid Prototyping and Debugging of IPFIX Applications in Ruby
Year: 2010
Month: July
Pub-Key: Tra10a
Abstract: The couple of years since the publication of the core IPFIX RFCs as Proposed Standards have seen new implementations of the protocol, as well as the application of IPFIX to new application areas (e.g. storage of anonymised data, SIP event logging) and extensions to the protocol itself (e.g., structured data representation). However, IPFIX implementations can be difficult to quickly adapt for these protocol extensions and new applications, and it is tricky to debug interoperability problems between new implementations. ripfix is designed to address this problem by providing a pure-Ruby implementation of the IPFIX message format and protocol. IPFIX Data Records are stored in Ruby Hashes, amd Templates and Information Models are represented in a simple textual format. The implementation is designed to be easily understandable to anyone familiar with IPFIX and Ruby, and is available under the terms of the GNU GPL. While ripfix does not perform acceptably for production use on any but the smallest networks, the flexibility of implementation it affords can save significant time early in the development cycle of an IPFIX application. The talk will introduce ripfix, and discuss its use in a recent research project involving the integration of three independent IPFIX implementations.
Resources: [BibTeX] [Slides as PDF]



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