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Publication Details for Inproceedings "Worst-Case Temperature Analysis for Real-Time Systems"



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Authors: Devendra Rai, Hoeseok Yang, Iuliana Bacivarov, Jian-Jia Chen, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Inproceedings
Title: Worst-Case Temperature Analysis for Real-Time Systems
Year: 2011
Month: March
Pub-Key: RYBCT11
Book Titel: Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe
Keywords: MPA; ESD; MPSOC; real-time systems; compositional analysis; worst-case peak temperature; thermal analysis
Abstract: With the evolution of today’s semiconductor technology, chip temperature increases rapidly mainly due to the growth in power density. For modern embedded real-time systems, it is crucial to estimate maximal temperatures in order to take mapping or other design decisions to avoid burnout, and still be able to guarantee meeting real-time constraints. This paper provides answers to the question: When work-conserving scheduling algorithms, such as earliest-deadlinefirst (EDF), rate-monotonic (RM), deadline-monotonic (DM), are applied, what is the worst-case peak temperature of a real-time embedded system under all possible scenarios of task executions? We propose an analytic framework, which considers a general event model based on network and real-time calculus. This analysis framework has the capability to handle a broad range of uncertainties in terms of task execution times, task invocation periods, and jitter in task arrivals. Simulations show that our framework is a cornerstone to design real-time systems that have guarantees on both schedulability and maximal temperatures.
Location: DATE11, Grenoble, France
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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