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Publication Details for Talk "On Analytic Real-time Interfaces for State-based Component Models"



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Authors: Kai Lampka
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Talk
Title: On Analytic Real-time Interfaces for State-based Component Models
Year: 2011
Month: October
Pub-Key: [Lam:11a]
Keywords: Interface Theory
Abstract: Event arrival curves [TCN00] are an abstract way of characterizing event streams or arrival patterns as used in the context of real-time analysis of embedded systems. One may employ these abstract stream descriptions as part of analytic, assume/guarantee (A/G), real-time interfaces and thereby define the traffic a component is willing to accept, and what it guarantees to emit. This extended abstract presents the machinery for deriving analytic A/G real-time interfaces based on arrival curves from Timed Automata (TA)[AD:90] based component models. Moreover, we develop the criteria for which composition, as well as refinement, of components is safe, i.e., it does not interfere with the interface-derived properties of the overall system. This way we strictly advocate the component-wise evolution of system designs.
Resources: [BibTeX]



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