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Publication Details for Inproceedings "A Hybrid Approach to Cyber-Physical Systems Verification"



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Authors: Pratyush Kumar, Dip Goswami, Samarjit Chakraborty, Anuradha Annaswamy, Kai Lampka, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Inproceedings
Title: A Hybrid Approach to Cyber-Physical Systems Verification
Year: 2012
Month: June
Pub-Key: KGCLAT12
Book Titel: In Proceedings of the 49th Design Automation Conference, DAC 2012
Pages: 688-696
Keywords: CPS, Verification, RTC
Publisher: ACM
Abstract: We propose a performance verification technique for cyber-physical systems that consist of multiple control loops implemented on a distributed architecture. The architectures we consider are fairly genric and arise in domains such as automotive and industrial automation; there are multiple processor or electronic control unites (ECUs) communicating over buses like FlexRay and CAN. Current practice involves analyzing the architecture to estimate worst-case end-to-end message delays and using these delays to design the control applications. This involves a significant amount of pessimism since the worst-case delays often occur very rarely. We show how to combine functional analysis techniques with model checking in order to derive a delay-frequency interface that quantifies the interleavings between messages with worst-case delays and those with smaller delays. In other words, we bound the frequency with which control messages might suffer the worst-case delay. We show that such a delay-frequency interface enables us to verify much tighter control performance properties compares to the what would be p0ossibly only with worst-case bounds.
Location: San Fransisco, USA
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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