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Publication Details for Article "Minimising Access Conflicts on Shared Multi-Bank Memory"



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Authors: Andreas Tretter and Georgia Giannopoulou and Matthias Baer and Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Article
Title: Minimising Access Conflicts on Shared Multi-Bank Memory
Year: 2017
Month: September
Journal: ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.
Volume: 16
Pages: 135:1--135:20
Keywords: Contention, interleaved addressing, memory allocation, memory banks
Abstract: A common multi-core pattern consists of processors communicating through shared, multi-banked on-chip memory. Two approaches exist: Interleaved address mapping, which spreads consecutive data over all banks, and contiguous address mapping, which stores consecutive data on a single bank. In this work, we compare both approaches on the Kalray MPPA-256 platform. For contiguous mapping, we propose an algorithm, based on graph colouring techniques, to automatically perform the assignment of data blocks to memory banks with the goal of minimising access collisions and delays. Experiments with representative, parallel real-world benchmarks show that 69% of the tested configurations, when optimised for contiguous mapping by our algorithm, run up to 86% faster on average than with interleaved mapping.
Resources: [BibTeX] [ External LINK ] [Paper as PDF]



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