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Publication Details for Misc "PGP File System mit flexiblem Gruppenmanagement"



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Authors: Andi Halter
Group: Communication Systems
Type: Misc
Title: PGP File System mit flexiblem Gruppenmanagement
Year: 1999
Month: February
Pub-Key: Hal99
Abstract: In the Internet of nowadays secure storage and transmission of data becomes more and more important. With growing numbers of users, the
number of bad guys grows too. Those could attack network links and
remote file system services to get access to private data. There
exists several systems, which protect data from unprivileged access.
An example is the Cryptographic File System.
However, none of them supports a flexible management of group access

In this diploma thesis, a new file system is designed and implemented
for this purpose. This system has to accomplish the following
requirements: (i) transparent encryption and decryption of files, (ii)
flexible group management for access rights, (iii) if possible a
platform independent implementation. Since the cryptographic system
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is often used, the format
of PGP messages must be supported.

Different variants for designing such a file system will be discussed
in this thesis and one of them has been implemented. The goal of this
work is the design and implementation of a cryptographic file system,
which is transparent to applications and provides a flexible group
management. Transparency enables an application to accesses encrypted
files as the were unencrypted. The implemented PGP File System decides
on whether a decryption or encryption must be done or not. If it is an
encrypted file, the decryption and encryption is done by the PGP File
System. The dynamic group management has been taken from
Dynamisches Management sicherer Mailverteiler and
has been integrated in the file system.

Access rights are given by e-mail addresses and groups and are
therefore globally unique. The dynamic group management supports user
defined aliases as well as system defined aliases. To expand system
defined aliases, the database systems NIS and NDBM are
supported. These two are often used on UNIX-systems.

The provided installation and usage guide makes the start with PGP
File System easier.

The PGP File System ensures a transparent decryption and encryption,
is portable to other UNIX-systems and is able to read files written by
PGP. Last but not least, access rights can be set in a flexible

Remarks: Diplomarbeit
Resources: [BibTeX]



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