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Publication Details for Techreport "From Ease in Programming to Easy Maintenance: Extending DSL Usability with Montages"



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Authors: Matthias Anlauff, Alberto Bemporad, Samarjit Chakraborty, Philipp W. Kutter, Domenico Mignone, Alfonso Pierantonio, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Techreport
Title: From Ease in Programming to Easy Maintenance: Extending DSL Usability with Montages
Year: 1999
Month: December
Pub-Key: ABC99
Rep Nbr: 83
Institution: Computer Engineering and Networks Lab (TIK), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Abstract: Montages is a formalism for giving executable specifications of programming languages. In contrast to related formalisms, it is state-based, and specifications can be given in an imperative or object-oriented style with which most programmers are comfortable. Hence, in the context of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), it provides a framework in which domain engineers can themselves extend and maintain their language. It also uses visual notations, resulting in concise, intelligible specifications. Using the associated tool support Gem-Mex, such specifications can be used to automatically generate a programming environment with animation facilities. In this paper, we give an overview of the formalism and the tool support, focusing on its advantages in DSL maintenance and implementation. Towards this we also present a case study using a language called HYSDEL, developed by control engineers for specifying hybrid systems. A full implementation of this language is available and is currently being maintained by the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH Zurich.
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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