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Publication Details for Inproceedings "Analytic Curve Detection from a Noisy Binary Edge Map using Genetic Algorithm"



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Authors: Samarjit Chakraborty, Kalyanmoy Deb
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Inproceedings
Title: Analytic Curve Detection from a Noisy Binary Edge Map using Genetic Algorithm
Year: 1998
Month: September
Pub-Key: CD98
Book Titel: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN V)
Volume: 1498
Pages: 129-138
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Abstract: Currently Hough transform and its variants are the most common methods for detecting analytic curves from a binary edge image. However, these methods do not scale well when applied to complex noisy images where correct data is very small compared to the amount of incorrect data. We propose a Genetic Algorithm in combination with the Randomized Hough Transform, along with a different scoring function, to deal with such environments. This approach is also an improvement over random search and in contrast to standard Hough transform algorithms, is not limited to simple curves like straight line or circle.
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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