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Publication Details for Article "Reconfigurable Computer Architectures"



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Authors: Marco Platzner
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Article
Title: Reconfigurable Computer Architectures
Year: 1998
Pub-Key: Pla98
Journal: e & i
Volume: 115
Number: 3
Pages: 143-148
Abstract: Reconfigurable computing is a promising approach to overcome the traditional trade-off between flexibility and performance in the design of computer architectures. Computing systems that adapt their hardware to each application can achieve the high performance of dedicated hardwware while retaining the flexibility of general-purpose processors. This paper introduces to the currently taken approaches in reconfigurable computing: fine-grained and coarse-grained reconfiguration. The enabling technology is discussed, reconfiguration models and application examples are presented. Finally, topical research problems are enumerated.
Resources: [BibTeX]



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