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Publication Details for Inproceedings "Parallel Load Balancing for Problems with Good Bisectors"



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Authors: Stefan Bischof, Ralf Ebner, Thomas Erlebach
Group: Theory of Communication Networks
Type: Inproceedings
Title: Parallel Load Balancing for Problems with Good Bisectors
Year: 1999
Pub-Key: BEE99
Book Titel: 13th Merged International Parallel Processing Symposium and 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPPS/SPDP 99)
Pages: 531-538
Keywords: load balancing
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: This paper studies parallel load balancing algorithms for classes of problems with certain bisection properties. A class of problems has alpha-bisectors if every problem p of weight w(p) in the class can be subdivided into two subproblems whose weight (load) is at least an alpha-fraction of the original problem. The task is to split a problem p into N subproblems such that the maximum weight among them is as close to w(p)/N as possible. It was previously known that good load balancing can be achieved for such classes of problems using Algorithm HF, a sequential algorithm that repeatedly bisects the subproblem with maximum weight. In the present paper, parallel algorithms for this load balancing problem are introduced: first, a parallel implementation of Algorithm HF is derived; second, a simpler and faster parallel algorithm requiring less communication overhead, Algorithm BA, is presented. Both algorithms are analyzed with respect to worst-case load imbalance, running-time, and communication overhead. Then an integration of the two, Algorithm BA-HF, is shown to combine advantages of both approaches. Finally, the results of extensive simulation experiments regarding the load imbalance incurred by the three algorithms in the average case are reported.
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Resources: [BibTeX]



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