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Publication Details for Misc "Secure Internet based Virtual Trading Communities"



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Authors: Nathalie Weiler, Bernhard Plattner
Group: Communication Systems
Type: Misc
Title: Secure Internet based Virtual Trading Communities
Year: 1999
Month: December
Pub-Key: WP99
Abstract: Today, we face a growing interest in distributed business-to-business applications using the Internet as communication media. However, the involved security threats are often neglected in the design of such systems. In this paper, we present our security architecture for an Internet based virtual trading community. Our solution has been designed for an heterogeneous, distributed workflow management system environment which we call WISE (Workflow based Internet SErvices). The modular security services toolbox and the group key management form the core of the security architecture. Furthermore, we do not interfere with local security policies. We rather reuse the defined roles by mapping them to security communication parameters. So, we are able to present a scalable, secure solution for cooperative work over the Internet. Middleware supporting secure applications in a distributed environment faces several challenges. Scalable security in the context of multicasting or broadcasting is especially hard when privacy and authenticity is to be assured to highly dynamic groups where the application allows participants to join and leave at any time.
Howpublished: IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, Cape Town, South Africa
Resources: [BibTeX]



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