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Publication Details for Article "Instance-Specific Accelerators for Minimum Covering"



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Authors: Christian Plessl, Marco Platzner
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Article
Title: Instance-Specific Accelerators for Minimum Covering
Year: 2003
Month: September
Pub-Key: plessl03_jsuper
Journal: The Journal of Supercomputing
Volume: 26
Number: 2
Pages: 109-129
Keywords: REC

This paper presents the acceleration of minimum-cost covering problems by instance-specific hardware. First, we formulate the minimum-cost covering problem and discuss a branch & bound algorithm to solve it. Then we describe instance-specific hardware architectures that implement branch & bound in 3-valued logic and use reduction techniques similar to those found in software solvers.

We further present prototypical accelerator implementations and a corresponding design tool flow. Our experiments reveal significant raw speedups up to five orders of magnitude for a set of smaller unate covering problems. Provided that hardware compilation times can be reduced, we conclude that instance-specific acceleration of hard minimum-cost covering problems will lead to substantial overall speedups.

Resources: [BibTeX]



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