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Publication Details for Article "Robust Topology Formation using BTnodes"



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Authors: Jan Beutel
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Article
Title: Robust Topology Formation using BTnodes
Year: 2005
Month: August
Pub-Key: B2005
Journal: Computer Communications
Volume: 28
Number: 13
Pages: 1523-1530
Keywords: SN
Abstract: Research of the past years has brought about many new developments and proposals for wireless sensor networks, mostly in the areas of algorithms and theory, backed up by extensive simulation work. In order to fully understand the complexity of these issues from a system perspective we will highlight the idiosyncracies of multi-hop networking implemented on real devices. The BTnode is an autonomous wireless communication and computing platform based on a Bluetooth radio and a microcontroller aimed at fast prototyping and research in mobile computing. The TreeNet example implements a self-healing, distributed Bluetooth Scatternet formation on the BTnode platform. We will discuss our example implementation including devices used, prerequisites, limitations, algorithmic ideas and implementation results.
Remarks: Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications - Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar 04122
Resources: [BibTeX]



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