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Publication Details for PhD Thesis "PeerMart: Secure Decentralized Pricing and Accounting for Peer-to-Peer Systems"



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Authors: David Hausheer
Group: Communication Systems
Type: PhD Thesis
Title: PeerMart: Secure Decentralized Pricing and Accounting for Peer-to-Peer Systems
Year: 2006
Month: March
Pub-Key: Ha06a
Keywords: Peer-to-Peer Systems, P2P, Decentralized Markets, Pricing, Double Auction, Distributed Accounting, Service Trading
ISBN: 3-8322-4969-9
ETH Nbr: 16200
Pub Nbr: 70
School: ETH Zurich
Abstract: The approach developed and termed PeerMart defines a decentralized and secure marketplace for trading any kind of services such as the provision of hardware and software resources over the Internet. It provides an auction-based mechanism combining the economic efficiency of double auctions with the technical performance and robustness of P2P networks that enables reliable, market-based pricing of any service being offered. The pricing mechanism is complemented by a decentralized accounting scheme called PeerMint which provides accountability for applications in a secure and scalable way. The scheme developed uses multiple distributed account holders and session mediation peers to store and update accounting information of individual peers and sessions and enables to charge for a peer’s service usage in an aggregated manner.
Location: Aachen, Germany
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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