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Publication Details for Incollection "A Computer Engineering Benchmark Application for Multiobjective Optimizers"



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Authors: Simon Künzli, Stefan Bleuler, Lothar Thiele, Eckart Zitzler
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Incollection
Title: A Computer Engineering Benchmark Application for Multiobjective Optimizers
Year: 2004
Month: December
Pub-Key: KBTZ2004a
Book Titel: Applications of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
Pages: 269-294
Keywords: EMO DSE
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Abstract: P>Among the various benchmark problems designed to compare and evaluate the performance of multiobjective optimizers, there is a lack of real-world applications that are commonly accepted and, even more important, are easy to use by di erent research groups. The main reason is, in our opinion, the high e ort required to re-implement or adapt the corresponding programs.

This chapter addresses this problem by presenting a demanding packet processor application with a platform and programming language independent interface. The text-based interface has two advantages: it allows (i) to distribute the application as a binary executable pre-compiled for di erent platforms, and (ii) to easily couple the application with arbitrary optimization methods without any modifications on the application side. Furthermore, the design space exploration application presented here is a complex optimization problem that is representative for many other computer engineering applications. For these reasons, it can serve as a computer engineering benchmark application for multiobjective optimizers. The program can be downloaded together with di erent multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and further benchmark problems from

Resources: [BibTeX]



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