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Publication Details for Techreport "Evaluation and Comparison of Performance Analysis Methods for Distributed Embedded Systems"



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Authors: Simon Perathoner, Ernesto Wandeler, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Techreport
Title: Evaluation and Comparison of Performance Analysis Methods for Distributed Embedded Systems
Year: 2006
Month: March
Pub-Key: PWT06
Keywords: Performance Analysis Methods Comparison Evaluation
Rep Nbr: 276
Institution: ETH Zurich
Abstract: In this thesis we evaluate and compare a number of system level performance analysis methods for distributed embedded systems. We discuss different criteria for their classification and comparison and evaluate some concrete performance analysis techniques with respect to these criteria. In particular, we examine the modeling power and usability of various approaches, apply the performance analysis methods to a set of benchmark systems and compare the obtained results. We show that there are important differences between methods in terms of modeling effort and accuracy by highlighting some modeling difficulties and analyzing pitfalls of the different formal approaches. Further we present an extendible open-source library for performance simulation of distributed embedded systems based on SystemC and compare the hard performance bounds provided by formal analysis methods with the performance estimations obtained by simulation.
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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