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Publication Details for Techreport "Re-visiting Partitioned Symbolic State Graph Generation for high-level models"



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Authors: Kai Lampka
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Techreport
Title: Re-visiting Partitioned Symbolic State Graph Generation for high-level models
Year: 2009
Month: August
Pub-Key: Lam09c
Keywords: Binary Decision Diagrams, symbolic reachability analysis
Rep Nbr: 308
Abstract: Model checking techniques commonly require the mapping of high-level models such as (extended) Petri Nets to their underlying state/ transition systems. This paper introduces a two-staged, semi-symbolic procedure for generating Binary Decision Diagram (BDD)-based representations of high-level model's state/transition systems. Contrary to existing techniques the proposed scheme combines state counter- and activity-driven decomposition of models. This strategy limits explicit state graph exploration and encoding of detected states to a very small fraction of a high-level model's state space. Standard benchmark models show that the presented ideas achieve improvements up to two orders of magnitude.
Location: Gloriastr. 35, 8092 Zuerich
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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