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Publication Details for Inproceedings "Cool Shapers: Shaping Real-Time Tasks for Improved Thermal Guarantees"



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Authors: Pratyush Kumar, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Inproceedings
Title: Cool Shapers: Shaping Real-Time Tasks for Improved Thermal Guarantees
Year: 2011
Month: June
Pub-Key: KT11b
Book Titel: Proc. of Design Automation Conference (DAC 2011)
Pages: 468-473
Keywords: ESD, MPA
Publisher: ACM
Abstract: With increasing power densities, managing on-chip temperatures has become an important design challenge. We propose a novel approach to this problem with the use of shapers to dynamically and selectively insert idle times during the execution of hard real-time jobs on a single speed processor. For the class of leaky bucket shapers which have a light-weight implementation, we derive the shaper such that no job misses its real-time deadline and the peak temperature is optimally reduced. The analysis and design of such shapers allows for dynamically variable streams of jobs; for instance, periodic streams with jitter. We extend our results to consider non-zero power and timing overhead in transitioning to the idle mode. With experimental results, we demonstrate that the proposed approach provides a large improvement: on average 8K peak temperature reduction or 40% increase in utilization for a given peak temperature.
Location: San Diego, California
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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