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Publication Details for Article "Predictability for Timing and Temperature in Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Platforms"



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Authors: Lothar Thiele, Lars Schor, Iuliana Bacivarov, Hoeseok Yang
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Article
Title: Predictability for Timing and Temperature in Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Platforms
Year: 2013
Month: March
Pub-Key: tsby2012a
Journal: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) - Special section on ESTIMedia12, LCTES11, rigorous embedded systems design, and multiprocessor
Volume: 12
Keywords: ESD, DSE, MPSOC, MPA, real-time systems, compositional analysis, thermal analysis, multi-core systems
Abstract: High computational performance in multiprocessor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) is constrained by the ever-increasing power densities in integrated circuits, so that nowadays MPSoCs face various thermal issues. For instance, high chip temperatures may lead to long-term reliability concerns and short-term functional errors. Therefore, the new challenge in designing embedded real-time MPSoCs is to guarantee the final performance and correct function of the system, considering both functional and non-functional properties. One way to achieve this is by ruling out mapping alternatives that do not fulfill requirements on performance or peak temperature already in early design stages. In this article, we propose a thermal-aware optimization framework for mapping real-time applications onto MPSoC platforms. The performance and temperature of mapping candidates are evaluated by formal temporal and thermal analysis models. To this end, analysis models are automatically generated during design space exploration, based on the same specifications as used for software synthesis. The analysis models are automatically calibrated with performance data reflecting the execution of the system on the target platform. The data is automatically obtained prior to design space exploration based on a set of benchmark mappings. Case studies show that the performance and temperature requirements are often conflicting goals and optimizing them together leads to major benefits in terms of a guaranteed and predictable high performance.
Resources: [BibTeX] [ External LINK ] [Paper as PDF]



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