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Publication Details for Incollection "Thermal-Aware Task Assignment for Real-Time Applications on Multi-Core Systems"



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Authors: Lars Schor, Hoeseok Yang, Iuliana Bacivarov, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Incollection
Title: Thermal-Aware Task Assignment for Real-Time Applications on Multi-Core Systems
Year: 2013
Month: January
Pub-Key: sybt2012b
Book Titel: Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS). Proc. International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO) 2011
Volume: 7542
Pages: 294–313
Keywords: ESD, MPSOC, MPA, real-time systems, compositional analysis, thermal analysis, multi-core systems
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: The reduced feature size of electronic systems and the demand for high performance lead to increased power densities and high chip temperatures, which in turn reduce the system reliability. Thermal-aware task allocation and scheduling algorithms are promising approaches to reduce the peak temperature of multi-core systems with real-time constraints. However, as long as the worst-case chip temperature is not incorporated into system analysis, no guarantees on the performance can be given. This paper explores thermal-aware task assignment strategies for real-time applications with non-deterministic workload that are running on a multi-core system. In particular, tasks are assigned to the multi-core system so that the worst-case chip temperature is minimized and all real-time deadlines are met. Each core has its own clock domain and the static assigned frequency corresponds to the minimum operation frequency such that no real-time deadline is missed. Finally, we show that the proposed temperature minimization problem can efficiently be solved by metaheuristics.
Location: Berlin Heidelberg
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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