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Publication Details for Techreport "Resource Allocation Problems in Multifiber WDM Tree Networks"



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Authors: Thomas Erlebach, Aris Pagourtzis, Katerina Potika, Stamatis Stefanakos
Group: Theory of Communication Networks
Type: Techreport
Title: Resource Allocation Problems in Multifiber WDM Tree Networks
Year: 2003
Month: August
Pub-Key: EPPS03tr
Rep Nbr: 178
Abstract: All-optical networks with multiple fibers lead to several interesting optimization problems. In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing the total number of fibers necessary to establish a given set of requests with a bounded number w of wavelengths, and the problem of maximizing the number of accepted requests for given fibers and bounded number w of wavelengths. We study both problems in undirected tree networks T=(V,E) and present approximation algorithms with ratio 1+4|E|log |V|/OPT and 4 for the former and with ratio 2.542 for the latter. Our results can be adapted to directed trees as well.
Resources: [BibTeX] [Paper as PDF]



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