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Publication Details for Article "Worst-Case Temperature Analysis for Different Resource Models"



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Authors: Lars Schor, Hoeseok Yang, Iuliana Bacivarov, Lothar Thiele
Group: Computer Engineering
Type: Article
Title: Worst-Case Temperature Analysis for Different Resource Models
Year: 2012
Month: September
Pub-Key: sybt2012a
Journal: IET Circuits, Devices & Systems
Volume: 6
Number: 5
Pages: 297–307
Keywords: ESD, MPA, real-time systems, compositional analysis, thermal analysis, multi-core systems
Abstract: The rapid increase in heat dissipation in real-time systems imposes various thermal issues. For instance, real-time constraints cannot be guaranteed if a certain threshold temperature is exceeded, as it would immediately reduce the system reliability and performance. Dynamic thermal management techniques are promising methods to prevent a system from overheating. However, when designing real-time systems that make use of such thermal management techniques, the designer has to be aware of their effect on both real-time constraints and worst-case peak temperature. In particular, the worst-case peak temperature of a real-time system with non-deterministic workload is the maximum possible temperature under all feasible scenarios of task arrivals. This article proposes an analytic framework to calculate the worst-case peak temperature of a system with general resource availabilities, which means that computing power might not be fully available for certain time intervals. The event and resource models are based on real-time and network calculus, and therefore, our analysis method is able to handle a broad range of uncertainties in terms of task arrivals and available computing power. Finally, we propose an indicator for the quality of the resource model with respect to worst-case peak temperature and schedulability.
Resources: [BibTeX] [ External LINK ] [Paper as PDF]



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